Buy DC CCS Type1 Connect Pins ≧10000 times | Guanye®

Buy DC CCS Type1 Connect Pins ≧10000 times | Guanye®

DC CCS Type1 Connect Pins ≧10000 times | Guanye®
Safety Mechanisms: The connectors incorporate safety features like automatic shut-off in case of emergencies, protection against overheating, and safeguards against electrical faults.
Interoperability: The connectors adhere to the Guanye® specification, guaranteeing compatibility between different charging infrastructure providers and electric vehicle manufacturers.
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The DC CCS Type1 connectors have been connected and disconnected over 10,000 times, showcasing their durability and reliability in real-world usage.

This level of robustness ensures that the connectors can withstand the wear and tear associated with frequent usage, making them suitable for a wide range of applications in various environments.

The Guanye® specification provides a comprehensive framework for the design, manufacturing, and usage of DC CCS Type1 connectors. It covers various aspects, including mechanical dimensions, electrical specifications, communication protocols, safety features, and interoperability requirements. The connectors are designed to seamlessly integrate with electric vehicles and charging infrastructure, ensuring compatibility across different manufacturers and charging networks.

Key features of the Guanye® specification include:

Mechanical Design: The connectors are designed with precision to ensure proper alignment and engagement during connection. This minimizes the risk of damage and enhances user-friendliness.

Electrical Performance: The specification defines the maximum current and voltage levels that the connectors can handle, ensuring efficient power transfer while maintaining safety standards.

Communication Protocols: DC CCS Type1 connectors use communication protocols to exchange information between the vehicle and the charging station.

This enables features such as power negotiation, charging status updates, and authentication.

Safety Mechanisms: The connectors incorporate safety features like automatic shut-off in case of emergencies, protection against overheating, and safeguards against electrical faults.

Interoperability: The connectors adhere to the Guanye® specification, guaranteeing compatibility between different charging infrastructure providers and electric vehicle manufacturers.

Standardization: The Guanye® specification is recognized by industry stakeholders, promoting a consistent and unified approach to electric vehicle charging.
Connect Pins ≧10000 times | Guanye® DC CCS Type1