Shop 7 Inch 108 Cells(390~410W) PERC Half-Cut PV Module | Guanye®

Shop 7 Inch 108 Cells(390~410W) PERC Half-Cut PV Module | Guanye®

7 Inch 108 Cells(390~410W) PERC Half-Cut PV Module | Guanye®
Installation and maintenance are made convenient through the module's standardized dimensions and design. The half-cut cells facilitate handling and reduce the overall weight of the module, making it easier to transport and install. Moreover, the module's design simplifies wiring and connection processes, streamlining installation procedures and minimizing potential points of failure.
 7 Inch 108 Cells(390~410W), PERC Half-Cut PV Module | Guanye®

At the heart of this module's efficiency lies the PERC (Passivated Emitter Rear Contact) technology.

This advanced cell architecture optimizes light absorption, reduces electron recombination losses, and maximizes energy conversion. By employing PERC, the Guanye® PV Module achieves higher energy yields even under low light conditions, resulting in increased overall efficiency.

The 7-inch size and 108 half-cut cells configuration further contribute to the module's efficiency. The half-cut design minimizes energy losses by reducing resistive losses and increasing module voltage, resulting in improved performance in shaded or non-optimal conditions. This design also enhances the module's durability by reducing internal stresses and enhancing its ability to handle mechanical loads and temperature fluctuations.

With a power output range of 390W to 410W, the Guanye® PV Module exhibits outstanding electricity generation capabilities. This range ensures adaptability to various installation scenarios, accommodating different energy needs and space limitations. The module's high wattage output is especially valuable for maximizing energy production in constrained areas, reducing the overall system's footprint, and achieving higher energy densities.

The durability and longevity of the Guanye® module are emphasized by its high-quality construction materials.

The module features robust, weather-resistant materials that can withstand harsh environmental conditions, including exposure to UV radiation, extreme temperatures, and moisture. This ensures a prolonged operational lifespan, contributing to a more sustainable energy solution.

Installation and maintenance are made convenient through the module's standardized dimensions and design. The half-cut cells facilitate handling and reduce the overall weight of the module, making it easier to transport and install. Moreover, the module's design simplifies wiring and connection processes, streamlining installation procedures and minimizing potential points of failure.

7 Inch 108 Cells(390~410W) PERC Half-Cut PV Module | Guanye®